Sunday, March 30, 2008


I'm sitting on the couch, watching an America's Next Top Model rerun, and I start to feel the fluttering that has been going on in my belly for a week now. I gently push on different places and then, this amazing little person poked me back, three times in a row.

Immediate feelings of gratitude flood over me. God is so good and so willing to give. Thank you, Lord, for Your daily gifts.


Andrew and Anneke said...

Isn't it just the most precious feeling ever?! It was so hard to describe to you what it felt like (you and your zillions of questions! LOL!) and here you are!!! You're going to love it even more when you feel your baby turning round and round : ) Wouldn't trade it for the world!! .... but maybe for a little sleep, by the time you're 9 months : )

Anonymous said...

How cool! I am so glad you and the baby are doing well. Hopefully I can pat your belly soon! :)