Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i'm trying

Travis has this thing every year where he sees how long we can go without turning the air conditioning on. I'm not quite sure if other families make this a "competition" like the Travis Wrights' do, but it is starting to kill me! There have been days lately where the temperature in the house has gotten up to 84 degrees! I actually paid $5 to see a movie I really didn't want to see just to sit in an air conditioned space for 2 hours!!! T says if it gets up to 85 we can turn it on (and set it to 82). Any other time, I might be a little more flexible, but I'm entering into the swollen, miserable phase and this is getting hard.

Does anyone else think this is crazy?


Anonymous said...

You may have a case for wife / child abuse ;-)

It is a long, long time until September 4th and it has not even started getting hot yet.

Shelli had Emilee on September 6th of 1987 and I will never forget the site of her flopped down on the bed in early September like a beached whale.

Emilee is the reason we purchased central air conditioning for the first time way back then.

How close are you to a mall? Maybe you can sit in an air conditioned commons area free of charge in the upcoming months. Because the baby is just gonna get bigger and the weather is just gonna get hotter.

T & L said...

hehe...good thinking. i think i might have to just put my foot down and pout! i usually get my way in the end :)

Anonymous said...

Shelli usually just puts her foot down and I do the pouting.

Speaking of which, she was not amused at being compared to a "beached whale".

Going forward I will choose my analogies a little more carefully.

Andrew and Anneke said...

Let Travis know that when I was pregnant in the summer, I put the AC to 68!!! I would be in shorts and a tank top and Andrew would be wearing sweaters! Otherwise I would be seriously sweating and feeling nauseated. So you are a trooper for enduring 85 : ) You go girl.

Anonymous said...

Travis, for the love of all that is right and good: DO NOT subject your wife to such trauma. I mean, come on. You are working in air conditioning all day, and she is at home. She is carrying your son and should be treated like a princess. Turn on the air.