Friday, October 9, 2009


Henry has discovered the trash can!! He has always played in the recycling, toting cans and paperboard around the house, but today I found him in the trash! I looked into the can and found 2 pairs of socks, some nose strips and a bandanna!?!? Now I'm wondering what all Henry has "thrown out" wonder Travis has socks with no match!


Andrew and Anneke said...

That is so cute! He just thinks he's helping out mommy : )

cjw said...

OMGOSH I miss him so so much. I can't believe he was here and I didn't get to see him. He must have thrown out some of my socks as well. I"m handwashing all my clothes and have even lost socks!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my, I had always assumed that pairs of socks are dyed in different vats so that when they get wet they change color so they appear not to match,(a ploy by sock makers to sell more socks) perhaps I have been wrong and when they get wet they really Evaporate ! Thanks, Camila!

Anonymous said...

that was me but I can't remember my account name or my password...Catherine