Sunday, July 20, 2008


One of the books I've been reading lately, "The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy", had a quote that I had to share - it so perfectly describes what I'm going through right now. The author describes her relationship with "Phil", her body pillow:

"The one difficulty about my relationship with "Phil" was the difficulty "we" had when I wanted to turn over. First, I would hurl myself from one side to the other, then I would grab Phil with both arms and both legs and flip him over with me, much like an alligator wrestler might do. It invariably shook the bed so violently that my husband nearly fell out and the comforter would land somewhere halfway across the room."

I do this everynight but I get some help from Travis' body, using his shoulder as a base of which to hurl myself over. He doesn't even make a sound. :)

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