Monday, February 16, 2009


I hope that anyone who reads our blog gets a sense of the love that Travis and I share. We have these moments where we are SURE that no one else has ever felt this way about another person. Mushy, I know,but true. God created Travis to be my mate.

I've come to expect a little bit of nothing from Travis on Valentine's Day, its just not his kind of day :). Except for the one year where we both decided to not get anything and he deliberately got me this Taebo set just so he would have a story to tell about the time when he got me something and I didn't get him anything. Anyway, this Valentine's Day I wasn't expecting anything and he blew me away. I got a romantic dinner at the Boiler Room, a handwritten love letter, and - drum roll - a gift certificate for a massage!!!! I am so spoiled. Thank you darling.

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