Saturday, February 16, 2008

ok ok

so I promised an entry today, so here it is. I was going to take a picture of my belly to show the bump that I think is there, but Travis says I'm crazy. I got ready to take it, pulled up my shirt, hit the button, and nothing happened. So T will have to fix it when he gets home. Sorry.

The last two days have been a dream. The best part was, of course, that Travis was off. (For those of you who don't know, Travis' asst. manager flaked on him and left without notice about 6 weeks ago. He has been working 8am-10pm, 7 days a week since then. Needless to say, even a couple of hours would have felt great, so 2 days was sinful!) For Valentine's Day, we slept in, went to the gym, watched Sopranos, and then he took me downtown for our first Chattanooga sushi (I ate the cooked ones). He also surprised me with a bookshelf and considering that our guest room is stacked with boxes of books, it was the perfect gift. Yesterday, it was just more hugs and "I can't believe that you're here."

Would I be AS thankful and grateful to God if this 6 weeks had never happened? I'd like to think so, but definitely not. That's how it works.


cjw said...

I think she really just wants to show off her six-pack. I'd post a picture of my stomach if I looked like her too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I WON'T be posting a picture of my belly! In this sixth pregnancy, you don't really want to see it! :)

Lindsay, I don't really know you - my mom (Jan) and Travis's mom were friends when Travis was born. I have been following Camila's blog for the past few months, so that is how I have "met" you. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Exciting, isn't it? I'm expecting my sixth child on August 26, so I am a week or so ahead of you. If you have questions about "is this normal?" or other type things, feel free to contact me. Each pregnancy is different, but there are SOME similarities! :)

I'm not comfortable posting my email address in such a public place, but if you want, you can use the "contact us" form on my husband's web site ( I'll see it! :)

Nice to "meet" you!