Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleep - Travis

It is very frustrating to go to Camila's blog. It is a horrible feeling to go to her blog and look on the right and see that the post you put up last night before you went to bed was only 4 hours ago.

Lindsay and I are both missing the great relationship we used to have with sleep. In Loddfafnismal Odin says, "If you want a friend whom you can wholly trust, foster his friendship; brambles and waving grass quickly grow on a little-troden road." The road for us and sleep is getting terribly overgrown. Lindsay wanted to know if anyone could give us sleep as a present.

Worst of all is the fact that, at this time when it should be the easiest of our lives, naps are all the sudden hard to take. All of the questions, worries, and new imaginations are racing through our heads. This is coupled with the fear that this will only be a false sleep and as soon as we do doze Henry will wake up. So instead of more rested we will be as tired as we were to begin with but now have to be parents while being drowsy.


Jess said...

I was going to call you guys today but feared I may wake you from a nap so thank you for clearing that up... you don't actually take naps but just dream about them while you are awake. I wish I had the magic soothing balm to make you both feel like you had slept a good 8 hours straight. I remember the stupor very well and around week three I was reading and re-reading every book possible on how to get my child to sleep. Not that this actually helps but know that it will get better... the best possible thing to do is establish as much of a routine as you can remember EASY which stands for what Henry's day should look like: eat, activity, sleep, you (yeah right I know the you is wishful thinking but try it) It is important for him to not depend on eating to fall asleep because as you know bad habits are hard to break. By the way though it says easy, it actually isn't but we must have something to shoot for right?!. The other thing which is incredibly hard to hear since you love this child with every fiber of your being is that it is okay for him to cry for a little while. That is the only communicating he can do but when you have fed him and he has a clean diaper and you have attempted to soothe him... it is okay for him to stay in his crib and communicate for a minute or ten-twenty. I had to do this at times to preserve my sanity and often it helps them to sleep better if they get it all out (you know all their little frustrations) I remember showers were such a luxury... all alone just pondering which shampoo to use haha. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that...totally remember that..." I'm so exhausted I could sleep on pins if I knew the baby was content" and also the flip side of that..." I'm so exhausted I should be sleeping wonderfully in this nice bed, but what if the baby is about to protest my wonderful sleep"..
It does gets better every day. Hang in there!